A Collaboration Project

DiMusiLand is an online initiative to advance and promote learning technologies for music education. We are enthusiastic to empower individuals who want to offer music education to the world. Our first goal is to provide a platform for music tutors who want to teach music online. DiMusiLand is an e-learning project led by Berooz Technologies LLC*.

Our Vision

We believe ........ To achieve this goal, there are communication barriers and technical challenges that must be addressed head on. We think ............. Therefore, distance learning paradigm might be an answer for a number of these challenges. However, success in implementation of educational technologies requires a shared effort by both technology and education sectors.

Our Mission

We aim to provide a place for collaboration between technologists and educators, so they can exchange their knowledge and experience in their respective fields. We hope such space enables educators to acquire knowledge and skills required to take advantage of E-Learning and EdTech solutions. We strongly believe once educators are well equipped by distance learning technologies, thriving is within reach.